Euglena gracilis B-Glucans (1,3): Enriching Colostrum of Sow for Enhanced Piglet Immunity

Beta-glucan ( G) has been widely employed in animal diets, acting as a tool for intestinal health, improving immune status, and promoting enhanced performance. However, its origin can be from cereal grains, fungi, and algae, and in this context, its glycosidic linkages (1,3), (1,4), or (1,6) directly influence its functions in animal organisms. In general, it was observed that supplementing sow feed with 200 g of G-(1,3) derived from the algae Euglena gracilis per ton, starting from the 85th day of gestation, resulted in enhancements in both colostrum production and the concentrations of immunoglobulins A, G, and M. This suggests a potential role as an immunomodulatory agent. This supplementation can become a tool to quantitatively and qualitatively enhance the colostrum provided to piglets.

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Avaliação comparativa da eficácia de diferentes produtos à base de marbofloxacina em suínos com sinais clínicos de doenças respiratórias
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Enhancing Weaned Piglet Health and Performance: The Role ofAutolyzed Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and β-Glucans as aBlood Plasma Alternative in Diets

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